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Ellesmere College Admissions | Familiarisation Tests | Mock Tests


Ellesmere College Admissions Process

The Ellesmere College admissions process comprises an Assessment Day held on the first Saturday in February every year. Children will take assessments in maths, English, verbal reasoning and non-verbal reasoning. During the Assessment Day children will also have an interview with the Head of Section. We have a free Ellesmere College familiarisation test for you to gain a brief insight into the exam, and we have full length Ellesmere College Mock Tests available to purchase which replicate the format and content of the entrance exam.

Ellesmere College Exam Format

The Ellesmere College online assessment comprises the following subjects.

  • Maths - 20 minutes
  • English - 20 minutes
  • Verbal Reasoning - 10 minutes
  • Non-verbal Reasoning - 10 minutes


Take the BOFA® Ellesmere College Familiarisation TestBuy a BOFA® Mock Test pack


BOFA Ellesmere College Mock Tests

Our BOFA® Ellesmere College Mock Tests have been designed and created specifically to replicate the Ellesmere College entrance exam situation in order to help pupils familiarise themselves with the format and structure of the Ellesmere College exam. Our Mock Tests follow the same three stage learning process as the BOFA® 11+ site (test, practice, retest) but the emphasis is on the exam preparation rather than the learning element. Our Mock Tests are sold in packs of 3 as we believe 3 is the minimum number of tests a pupil will need to complete to become comfortable with the format and style of the exam. You can purchase Mock Tests for the Ellesmere College entrance exam from our Mock Test Shop.


Take the BOFA® Ellesmere College Familiarisation TestBuy a BOFA® Mock Test pack


BOFA Mock Tests for other schools

We also have Mock Tests for the ISEB Common Pre-Test, the London 11+ Consortium and a further 39 independent schools' bespoke extrance exams and admissions processes.

Here are some of the other schools for which we offer Mock Tests. Click the following link for the full list of schools for which we have Mock Tests.




As well as offering these specific Mock Tests we also offer an online adaptive learning platform on a subscription basis for long term support and exam preparation. Our 11+ subscription site is our unique online learning platform which covers material from 8+ through to 12+, designed to assist pupils in their learning and understanding of syllabus content in preparation for the 11+ exam. All our tests follow our three stage learning process of initial test, followed by tailored teaching and learning before a retest. Although referred to as the 11+ subscription site, a subscription gives you access to all the subscription site material and is therefore suitable for pupils aged 7 to 11, in school years 3 to 6. You can purchase a recurring monthly subscription for £9.50 a month, which can be cancelled at any time, or you can take out a fixed term 3, 6, 9, or 12 month subscription with a one-off payment, prices of which can be found in our 11+ shop.