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KS2 English Grammar & Punctuation Syllabus

Here we have provided the syllabus we cover for KS2 Engliish Grammar & Punctuation. If you click on the section you'd like to look at, an example question will appear. You can also try a demo test to get a better understanding of how BOFA works. The syllabus has been taken from the National Curriculum.

Yr 5&6 Code Example Strand Description
G1.1 Nouns Singular, plural, common, proper, concrete, abstract, collective.  
G1.2a Verbs in present and past progressive continuous To mark actions in progress. Some irregular past tense forms are favoured in British English; in particular, the past participle of ‘to get’ will be considered creditworthy in the test when formed as got rather than gotten.  
G1.2c Modal verbs To indicate degrees of possibility, might, should, will, must  
G1.3 Adjectives Adjectival phrases-the woman, in the red, shiny dress, is the owner.  
G1.4a Conjunctions - cause e.g. if, because, although,…  
G1.4b Conjunctions - time & place expressing time, place and cause using conjunctions (e.g. when, before, after, while, so, because)  
G1.5 Pronouns Pronoun/noun choice to aid cohesion and avoid repetition  
G1.5a Possessive pronouns Possessive- owning words-my, his, her, yours, its,  
G1.5b Relative pronouns 0  
G1.6a Adverbs - ily The use of –ly in Standard English to turn adjectives into adverbsS  
G1.6b Adverbs - time, place & cause e.g. then, next, soon, therefore,…  
G1.6c Adverbs - degrees of possibility e.g. perhaps, surely  
G1.6d Adverbials Using fronted adverbials  
G1.7 Prepositions Expressing time, place and cause using prepositions, [for example, before, after, during, in, because of]  
G1.8 Determiners Use of the forms a or an according to whether the next word begins with a consonant or a vowel  
G1.9 Subject and object 0  
G2.1 Statements how the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a statement  
G2.2 Questions How the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a question, e.g. the use of question tags. Subject-verb inversion (eg: Is this your favourite?), or the use of do/does if there is no modal or auxiliary verb (eg: Do you like this one?). A correctly punctuated question tag (eg: This is your favourite, isn’t it?)  
G2.3 Commands how the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as a command  
G2.4 Exclamations how the grammatical patterns in a sentence indicate its function as an exclamation (exclamations starting with what or how, e.g. What a good friend you are!)  
G3.1a Relative clauses Relative clauses beginning with who, which, where, when, whose, that, or an omitted relative pronoun  
G3.1b Subordinate clauses Using when, if, that, or because  
G3.2a Noun phrases - description & specification Expanded noun phrases for description and specification  
G3.2b Noun phrases - adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases Noun phrases expanded by the addition of modifying adjectives, nouns and preposition phrases  
G3.2c Noun phrases - expanded Expanded noun phrases to convey complicated information concisely  
G3.3 Co-ordinating conjunctions co-ordination using or, and and but  
G3.4 Subordinating conjunctions subordination using when, if, that and because  
G4.1a Simple past and simple present simple past tense and simple present tense  
G4.1b Verbs in the perfect form use of the present perfect form of verbs  
G4.1c Modal verbs indicating degrees of possibility using modal verbs  
G4.1d Present and past progressive use of the progressive form of verbs in the present and past tense to mark actions in progress  
G4.2 Tense consistency Correct choice and consistent use of present tense and past tense throughout writing  
G4.3 Subjunctive verb forms recognising subjunctive forms  
G4.4 Passive and active use of the passive to affect the presentation of information in a sentence  
G5.1a Capital letters -names Using a capital letter for names of people, places, the days of the week, and the personal pronoun ‘I’  
G5.1b Capital letters -sentences Use of capital letters to demarcate sentences  
G5.2 Full stops full stops to demarcate sentences  
G5.3 Question marks question marks to demarcate sentences  
G5.4 Exclamation marks exclamation marks to demarcate sentences  
G5.5 Commas in lists To separate main and subordinate clauses  
G5.6a Commas to clarify meaning commas to clarify meaning or avoid ambiguity in writing  
G5.6b Commas after fronted adverbials A comma is used after a fronted reporting clause (if applicable).  
G5.7 Inverted commas Direct and indirect speech.  
G5.8a Apostrophes - plural possession Difference between plurals and possessive, plural possession-boys'  
G5.8b Apostrophes - contracted forms The full contraction must be correctly spelt and the apostrophe correctly placed for the award of the mark.  
G5.9 Punctuation for parenthesis Brackets, dashes or commas to indicate parenthesis  
G5.10a Colons - independent clauses A colon should always be followed by a lower case letter, unless the word is a proper noun or the pronoun I.  
G5.10b Colons - list colon to introduce lists  
G5.11a Semi-colons - independent clauses semi-colon to mark the boundary between independent clauses  
G5.11b Semi-colons - list semi-colons within lists  
G5.12 Single dashes Use of the dash to mark the boundary between independent clauses  
G5.13 Hyphens How hyphens can be used to avoid ambiguity  
G5.14 Bullet points Punctuation of bullet points to list information  
G6.1a Synonyms how words are related by meaning as synonyms  
G6.1b Antonyms how words are related by meaning as antonyms  
G6.2a Prefixes - adjectives e.g. un- The whole word (ie: the root and the prefix and / or suffix) must be spelt correctly for the award of the mark.  
G6.2b Prefixes - nouns e.g. super–, anti–, auto–  
G6.2c Prefixes - verbs e.g. dis–, de–, mis–, over– and re–  
G6.3a Suffixes - adjectives e.g. –ment, –ness, –ful , –less and –ly  
G6.3b Suffixes - nouns e.g. –ness, –er. Regular plural noun suffixes –s or –es (e.g. dog, dogs; wish, wishes), including the effects of these suffixes on the meaning of the nouns.  
G6.3c Suffixes - verbs e.g. –ate, –ise, –ify  
G6.4 Word families Word families based on common words, showing how words are related in form and meaning  
G7.1a Standard English- verb standard verb forms (e.g. I did / I done, We were / was, He was / were, isn’t / ain’t)  
G7.1b Standard English- pronouns pronouns (them / those, that / what)  
G7.1c Standard English- adverbs adverbs using –ly (run quickly / quick and anything / nothing)  
G7.2 Formal and informal vocabulary the dfference between vocabulary typical of informal speech and writing, and vocabulary appropriate for formal speech and writing, e.g. ask for / request  
G7.3 Formal and informal structures the difference between structures typical of informal speech and writing, and structures appropriate for formal speech and writing  
G7.4 The subjunctive recognise vocabulary and structures that are appropriate for formal speech and writing, including subjunctive forms