Senior School Entrance Assessments
Here we have compiled information about the schools that use a bespoke entrance assesmment as part of their senior school admissions process. (List updated for 2025 entry)
The assessments comprise a combination of some or all of the following subject tests. Please check your target school to see which subjects will be tested, and the duration of each test.
English - comprehension, spelling and grammar based on the National Curriculum
Maths - arithmetic and mathematical reasoning based on the National Curriculum
Verbal Reasoning - problems using words and letters e.g. cracking codes, shuffled sentences
Non-Verbal Reasoning - problems using spatial and visual reasoning e.g. nets of cubes, punched paper folding
Puzzles and Problem Solving - multi-step problem solving and logical reasoning e.g. permutations and combinations,
Creative Comprehension (sometimes called Analysis) - candidates will need to take information from several different sources in order to answer questions e.g. taking information from a written passage and applying it to a map
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Click on your target school below for full details of their assessments and admissions process.
- Ardingly College
- Ashford School
- Brighton Girls School
- Chigwell School
- City of London School
- Dauntsey's School
- Dulwich College
- Ellesmere College
- Felsted School
- Forest School
- Gateways School
- Giggleswick School
- Gordonstoun School
- Harrow School
- Headington School
- Ibstock Place School
- Knightsbridge School
- Lomond School
- Lord Wandsworth College
- Mill Hill School
- North Bridge House
- Northampton High School
- Norwich High School
- Oakham School
- Oxford High School
- Reading Blue Coat School
- Royal Russell School
- Sherborne Girls School
- St Albans School
- St Columba's School
- St Edmund's School, Canterbury
- St Joseph's College, Reading
- St Mary's School, Calne
- Taunton School
- Trinity School
- Uppingham School
- Wetherby School
- Wolverhampton Grammar School
- Worth School
For information about the ISEB Common Pre-Test and the London 11+ Consortium click on the links below.
If you would like more information about the tests taken at this age, feel free to browse our 11+ information page, or our FAQ section.