What are BOFA Mock Tests for Consortium?
BOFA Consortium Mock Tests are a mock London 11+ Consortium exam.
Our Mock Tests are sold in packs of 3 tests as we believe this is the minimum number of tests a child would need to complete to begin to feel comfortable with the format of the test.
As our Consortium Mock Tests are designed to be taken as a mock exam, and therefore unlike our 11+ tests, they cannot be paused or retaken. Please ensure you allow enough time to complete a test in one sitting and that your device is fully charged with a stable internet connection.
The London 11+ Consortium test lasts 100 minutes (1 hour 40 minutes), with a 30 minute break in the middle. There are five distinct components taken in the following order
- Maths - 20 minutes
- Non-Verbal Reasoning - 10 minutes
- English comprehension and Verbal Reasoning - 30 minutes
- BREAK for 30 minutes
- Problem solving - 15 minutes
- Analysis component - 25 minutes
Our Consortium Mock Tests contain the same five distinct tests and although they can be taken in any order we recommend taking the tests in the order that they will be taken in the exam, and taking a break after the English and Verbal Reasoning test.
If your child is allowed extra time in the exam you can set the same allowance in BOFA by logging into the parent account and amending the Test Options in the edit child page.
You can purchase BOFA Mock Tests for Consortium from our Mock Test shop. Please note that you specify you would like a Consortium Mock Test at the point of assigning it to your child, not at the time of purchase.
Once purchased, to assign your BOFA Mock Tests go to your manage children page. Next to the appropriate child click on the green '+' button to increase the number of Mock Test packs allocated to the child. This will take you to a page where you can choose which type of Mock Test - Consortium, and which pack to assign. All packs are of a similar level so we recommend assigning pack 1 first. The system will not let you assign a pack which your child already has.